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Backstage and Touring Company

for Upcoming
Performances and Touring Companies:

Touring Company Services
Services offered to touring companies can be tailored to accommodate a specific company's needs.  This most often includes physical therapy and/or injury prevention screens and can be provided in our offices, at the theater, hotel, or other off-site location.

Backstage Physical Therapy
Backstage services are different from treatment received in other settings and are designed to meet the immediate needs of the dancer.  Going beyond simply helping dancers "get through the performance" physical therapy can help artists dance at their highest potential and to speed the recovery for the next performance. 

To accommodate the demanding backstage schedule, these mini-sessions average 20-30 minutes and have a focus on soft tissue work/massage, taping, and dry needling as appropriate.

Please note: 
If you have not been seen by one of our team within the past year, you must submit or update your paperwork before your appointment.

To arrange backstage services for your company or on-site services for touring companies, please email us at

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